Redstone dust overlay png
Redstone dust overlay png

  • Updated entity textures, especially villagersīelow are the remaining texture changes that you will see and experience in-game.
  • Removed the blurred pumpkin face texture when wearing a carved pumpkin and replaced with a blurred blue outline around the edges of the screen for improved visibility while maintaining a visual cue that you're wearing a pumpkin.
  • Added a Brewing Guide in game when utilizing the Brew Stand.
  • Carved Pumpkin and Jack o' Lantern Added the carved face on all sides (N,E,S,W) of the pumpkin and changed the bottom texture to match what a bottom of a pumpkin looks like, which doesn't include the stem.
  • Iron Bars Utilized VanillaTweaks Iron Bar Fix to address the z fighting texture issue and textured the iron bars with my Iron Block design.
  • redstone dust overlay png

    Seagrass and Tall Seagrass Added a color change/shift in its animation.ORES Stone and Deepslate Ores have animal paw prints while the Nether Ores utilizes a fossil design.Lily Pad As mentioned earlier, added a pink flower on top.Cactus Added pink flowers around the sides and top.Terracotta and Dyed Terracotta Inspired by VanillaTweaks Minecraft Dungeons Parity pack.

    redstone dust overlay png

  • Barrel Changed the open barrel texture to include a fish in water.
  • #Redstone dust overlay png full#

    Tweaked These block textures are tweaked more than other blocks but not a full recoloration redesign as the redone blocks.

  • Target Block Blue lines instead of red and added a Creeper face to the center.
  • Flower Pot Blue to match the fact that they were crafted with blue bricks.
  • Pumpkin and Pumpkin Stems For Blu-RAE, I found a blue pumpkin.
  • Redone These blocks are completely redone mainly with a color change.
  • Infested Stone Blocks in inventory only.
  • Highlighted These blocks has a highlighted border around them for improved visibility.
  • All Rails (activator, detector, powered, rail, and rail corner).
  • Lily Pad texture is also tweaked to include a pink flower on top.
  • Amethyst Cluster as mentioned earlier with under "Progress Maxed Out".ģD Textures JSON files in Models folder are from VanillaTweaks and the block textures are my own.
  • Furnace When on, the front flames (not the particles) are animated.
  • Sculk Shrieker Highlighted texture change when shrieker "can summon" the Warden.
  • Sculk Sensor Color saturation changes when sensor is active, in cooldown mode, and off.
  • Lever The base lights up red when powered on.
  • Dispenser, Dropper, Observer, and Hopper Directional Arrows included in the texture.
  • Redstone Dust for Redstone Wires Power levels visually present.
  • Jukebox Adds a texture change for when a music disc is present.
  • Heavy and Light Weighted Pressure Plates Power levels listed on top of the plate when utilized.
  • Daylight Detector Power level visible on the side and a visual "progress bar" on the top.
  • Status Indicator These textures provide information relating to the status of that block that is the result of player interaction.
  • Piston and Sticky Piston Color differences between the piston and sticky piston on the side for additional differentiation.
  • redstone dust overlay png

    See screenshots for reference images below. Note Block Pitch listed on the block and the border changes based on the "instrument" it's producing.Repeater The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 are listed on the repeater for its tick delay.Comparator C for Compare and S for Subtract.Settings Indicator These textures have additional visual indicators highlighting the block's settings that is set by the player. Destroy Stage Similar mining progress outline to VanillaTweaks but with an ornate design.

    redstone dust overlay png

    Progression Indication These textures adjust with each level of its progress from starting to maxed out.

  • Kelp Utilized VanillaTweaks Kelp Age 25 for a visual representation of its maxed age and recolored the flowers.
  • Crops: wheat, beetroot, carrots, and potatoes.
  • Amethyst Cluster this texture is also animated.
  • Cauldron visible on the top and side based on what the cauldron is filled with.
  • Progress Maxed Out These textures have a "max" level to reach and that status is visibly indicated. Texture Variation When placed, the texture you get of this block is random. Blu-RAE is a 64x resource pack for Minecraft Java Edition with Enhanced Biomes, New Designed Mobs and Villagers, Helpful Redstone Devices, Various Block Options, and New Animated Textures.

    Redstone dust overlay png