Keep up with the latest news for NFIP communities by subscribing to the Floodplain Communicator Newsletter.įEMA evaluates NFIP minimum compliance through compliance audits known as Community Assistance Visits (CAVs) or Community Assistance Contacts (CACs). Links to the Model Ordinance and Model permit webpages are provided below. Key to ensuring that a community is compliant is adopting and enforcing a flood damage prevention permit through a robust permitting program that permits both structural and non-structural development. This New Jersey-specific Resource page is intended to provide resources to assist communities in achieving minimum compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program. NFIP participating communities include 552 of the 566 New Jersey municipalities and the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority. Please understand that the Township cannot provide cost estimates or review your policy.Welcome to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Participating Communities Resource Page

Source: Center for NYC Neighborhoods graphic based on rates from FEMAįor more information, please contact your flood insurance provider or reach out to the Township's Office of Planning & Zoning. * Please note that the image above is for illustrative purposes only and may not represents premium rates in Cranford. It is important that all property owners understand their exposure to flood risk and the potential losses that may result. No matter the cost of your flood insurance premiums, the potential financial devestation that may result from a flood while not being covered is hardly worth the risk. For example, if you are located in an A Zone, which is a high-risk flood zone, and your first flood is located below the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), your premiums would be higher than your neighbor's who is located in the same zone but has a first floor elevated above the BFE. These factors will impact the cost of your flood insurance premiums. The location of your structure’s contents (e.g.The deductible and amount of building and contents coverage.The type of coverage being purchased (e.g.The cost of your flood insurance will depend upon your properties location and a number of other factors such as: Contractors Wanted for CGPH Home Improvement Program.Sidewalk Café Permit Application Package.PILOT Presentation (Cranford PILOTs) 9-27-22.Homeowner Outreach Home Improvement Program (2022 Income Limits).Hartz Mountain Affordable Housing/Redevelopment.Draft RFP – North Avenue Redevelopment – March 2023.Affordable Housing Settlement and Court Fairness Hearing.Non-Discrimination Policy - Transportation.Cranford Tree Requests-Tree Replacement Project.2023 Union County Recycling Schedules: Household Hazardous Waste, Shredding, Metal.2023 Conservation Center Permit Application.Recruitment Program for Sworn Positions.Cranford Police Cooperative Pricing System.Community Support Services Division/Juvenile Bureau.Community Support Services Division / Community Outreach Program Tips.Cranford Community Center Blood Pressure Screening_.Covid 19 Vaccine_Third Dose vs Booster Checklist.Bloomfield Newsletter February 2023 Union.Paper CCO Application (You can now use Online via SDL Portal).Online Certificate of Continued Occupancy (CCO) Application.Emergency Preparedness Tips for Spring and Summer.Certificate of Continued Occupancy (CCO) Requirements.Previous Years' Budgets and Audit Reports.Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program.Form for Veteran Property Tax Deduction.Union County Transportation Advisory Board.Senior Citizen & Disabled Tenancy Act Appeals Board.Mayors Council of Rahway River Flood Control.Flood Prevention & Mitigation Advisory Committee.Township Committee Meetings - Agenda / Minutes.